Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Visit from Grammie and Papa

Over Memorial Day Weekend, Grammie and Papa Malenfant took the train all the way from New Mexico to visit Nathan and Alex, and Michael and I of course as well.  Nathan and Alex were excited to show them all their favorite places, and just spend lots of time playing trains.  Thank you for a wonderful visit, we miss you!

Grammie and Papa arrived late Thursday night, and Nathan was good enough to wake up to greet them :)

The first morning, we went to the Wenham Museum, where they have a large model train exhibit.  Heaven for Nathan!  We grabbed lunch afterwards just down the street in Hamilton at the Weathervane, great seafood for everyone!

Saturday morning was supposed to be hot hot hot, so we packed up early and headed to the beach at Breakheart Reservation.  It ended up being a little cloudy, but nice and breezy on the water.  The boys had a great time splashing around, and Nathan even worked on some swimming.

Sunday was just a quiet day hanging at the house, taking a long walk around the neighborhood and trying out the sprinkler.

For our last day we went to the Museum of Science and geeked out for a few hours.  Before dinner, we showed Grammie and Papa one of our favorite parks in Wakefield, and then walked just down the street to Zuzu's for dinner.  A new favorite for us!

See you October for Balloon Fiesta, Grammie and Papa!!

1 comment:

  1. We had an absolutely marvelous time visiting with you all. Thank you so much for all your planning of great activites, for the delicious meals at your home, and for introducing us to a couple more good restaurants.
