Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Father's Day

We celebrated Michael's first Father's Day in New Mexico with lots of breakfast burritos (which Nathan loves!), a hike through Petroglyph National Monument on Saturday, a visit to the Corrales Grower's Market on Sunday and a Cowboy Junkies concert. Not too shabby!

Petroglyph National Monument is a park on the Northwest side of Albuquerque that was created to protect the rock carvings mostly created by the Pueblo Indians. It has some great little hiking trails and beautiful views of Albuquerque and the Sandia Mountains to the east. We figured it would be a good, easy first hike for Nathan. We started the hike with a big breakfast burrito at Flying Star. Nathan loved it, green chile and all!

Sunday we visited the Corrales Grower's Market. Corrales is a fairly rural area right within the bounds of Albuquerque, with lots of farms and horses. The grower's market didn't have much this early in the season, but had the best, cheapest breakfast burrito we have ever had.

Sunday night, Grandma and Grandpa Malenfant watched Nathan and Michael and I went to the Cowboy Junkies concert with our friends Ray and Jania. First we had dinner in Albuquerque's trendy area of Nob Hill. The concert was held at the Hispanic Cultural Center, in an amazing new auditorium! Very different experience than going to the concerts in the turn of the century theaters in Boston, the acoustics were amazing!

1 comment:

  1. The humor in the first set of photos is wonderful! Tell Nathan that Mimi is a green chile breakfast burrito fan too, but I want to try the "real" thing, so don't eat them all up -I need to have some left when Papa & I come to visit! So much to see & do in the area - thanks for keeping us up to date Anne.
