Tuesday, July 7, 2015

4th of July Weekend 2015

Happy birthday America!  We got a long weekend out of the holiday this year, well, three of us did.  Nathan had a full week of Lego camp, and was at his last day on July 3rd.  It was strange having a day out with Nathan, but we had more than enough fun the rest of the weekend with him (and I think he had plenty of fun at Lego camp too!)

Michael, Alex and I had a fun day out at the Marblehead Festival of Art, taking the trolley over to the children's event and meeting up with our friends who live in Marblehead.  It was our first time exploring downtown Marblehead, and it is beautiful!

Alex painting with Daddy.

Baby Georgia in the drum circle!

Alex with his buddies Sydney and Carter.

Face painting!

Alex showing off his ladybug.

Goofing off before saying goodbye...

Then it was the 4th of July!  We had big plans later in the day, but made the kids pay for it by doing stuff around the house early in the day, painting the house, cleaning and washing a car...  You can see the painting effort in the background of Alex and Nathan's 4th of July photo shoot...




Then it was time for the parade!  Nathan and Alex hanging with Brady and Grant waiting for the parade to start...

Where is the parade?

Here is comes!

A photo of me!

Parade watching with buddies...
A float full of friends in the parade!

Then it was back to Grant and Zoe's house for a big 4th party!

Water play before the sun goes down...

Seeing how high the water can go!

Then it was time to sing Happy Birthday to America!

Enjoying the 4th of July treats after singing.
 Then it was time to go back to Wakefield for fireworks!
Maximizing glow sticks before the fireworks start.

My lame attempt at firework photos :)

It what seems to be our new tradition, we went to the beach the next day to beat the post-fireworks crankies.  We finally made it to Good Harbor in Gloucester, it was crowded but beautiful!

Nathan making models of the earth's crust.

Fun in the water.

Pretty sure we will see many photos of Alex like this :)

Football time...

Alex in a bucket!
And then we collapsed in a heap after a busy but fun weekend!


  1. This time, we can see all the photos - particularly liked the video and the singing of Happy Birthday America.
