While we haven't done a roadtrip in a while, we have been getting out and about in Albuquerque. On a quiet Sunday, we decided to go see the Rio Grande up close and personal at the Rio Grande Nature Center. The visitors center is buried in the ground, and into an embankment overlooking a small pond with lots of wildlife.
Walking into the visitor's center, through a large corrugated steel pipe (usually known as a culvert to us civil engineers).
Nathan overlooking the pond from the viewing room in the visitor's center. The tempered glass wreaked havoc with the polarizer on my lens, which is why the window looks so funky (thanks Dick for the trivia on tempered glass!)
On the other side of the visitor's center, looking through the blind to peek at the animals. Nice view of the Sandias in the background.
Heading out for the walk to the river. Nathan gets giddy when walking with us this way. He isn't too motivated to let go of our hands! 
Checking out the Rio Grande! It used to be a little more... grand...
After a nice long walk, we exit through the visitor's center. Last Thursday, we headed back to the State Fair, because Nathan's cousin Randy was riding at the rodeo!
Nathan clapping for the horses (and just about anything else!)
Fascinated by Aunt Lori's necklace.
The first step in becoming a bull rider: mutton busting. Kids as young as 3 years old, holding on to a sheep for dear life!
Cousin Randy getting ready to ride!
So far so good...
So close! As you can see, the rodeo clowns are right there to help out. They guide the bull away to protect the rider when they are thrown.
Michael has always wanted a Cochiti drum, and he found a great deal at an Albuquerque institution, Skip Maisel's, on Central Ave (Route 66) in the heart of downtown. We spent a good hour at the shop, banging on many drums. Nathan loves it!

Nathan's growth into a true New Mexican continues. The next day we met Grandma and Grandpa Malenfant out for brunch. Michael gave Nathan a little bit of salsa, and he was hooked (it was fairly mild). If we tried to take it away, we were met with loud toddler protests! So we just gave him his own bowl, and he used the chip to scoop away!
A buried visitor's center - how unusual! How do I get a copy of the photo entitled "heading out to the river"? How old will Nathan be when he tries "mutton busting"? The Cochiti drum looks like a great acquisition and fun to play! You're not kidding about the salsa - go Nathan!