The weekend before last we went to Santa Fe for the day. It was a last minute trip, and we didn't plan ahead, so we ended up on a random route, and never even made it to tourist-central, the Plaza. We first went to the Children's Museum. Which, at $5 a pop, was a bit of a rip-off for a 13 month old. We made the best of it though... Below is Nathan out in the garden, crawling through some of the large concrete pipe and playing the pipes.
Michael and I had gone there years ago, but on that trip, I filled up a memory card with photos and subsequently lost it. I was excited to take more photos, but the weather, and the mobs of people didn't make it easy. Ah well. So here is a shot of the church (taken with my trusty new wide-angle lens):
I finally got Nathan's walker to stay upright (it is a car when folded down), and he has been off and running ever since! {Please ignore the volume on this one, I sound like a big dork!}
Nathan also discovered a love of peaches today, turn on the volume for maximum effect!
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