Just a quick blog post while I am waiting for some auctions to end for items I am selling on Ebay.
The weekend before last we went to Santa Fe for the day. It was a last minute trip, and we didn't plan ahead, so we ended up on a random route, and never even made it to tourist-central, the Plaza. We first went to the Children's Museum. Which, at $5 a pop, was a bit of a rip-off for a 13 month old. We made the best of it though... Below is Nathan out in the garden, crawling through some of the large concrete pipe and playing the pipes.

Nathan fell asleep as we left Santa Fe, and so we decided to take the long way home and swing by Chimayo. Chimayo is believed to be the site of miraculous healings, and therefore is the destination of pilgrims and travelers, who see it as a very holy site. Brief history of Chimayo:
Michael and I had gone there years ago, but on that trip, I filled up a memory card with photos and subsequently lost it. I was excited to take more photos, but the weather, and the mobs of people didn't make it easy. Ah well. So here is a shot of the church (taken with my trusty new wide-angle lens):

This past weekend we stayed local and went for a nice hike a mile up the road at the base of the Sandias. It was short because I was breaking in my new hiking boots. Oh yeah, and I forgot the backpack for Nathan. Oops! But he got lots of walking practice in:

Notice below there are cacti planted all along where a small trail used to be, a very effective way to discourage people from using it and let the vegetation grow back.

Nathan also learned an important new skill in the past week. Unrolling the toilet paper roll (I may or may not have encouraged him at this very moment to get the shot):

I finally got Nathan's walker to stay upright (it is a car when folded down), and he has been off and running ever since! {Please ignore the volume on this one, I sound like a big dork!}
Nathan also discovered a love of peaches today, turn on the volume for maximum effect!